Thursday, May 8, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

12.55pm: "Hi lynn, please call me back. It important"
2.05pm: "Hi lynn, I still regard y as a friend, so call me back. I have shown my board directors of the things u have posted. U have defamed the company reputation n will result to losses. They will not hesitate to take legal actions against u. We will warrant a lawyer letter to u and another to yr sch. So do call me back, otherwise my lawyer will go to your house on wed! I have given them yr house address. if i don't hear from u today. We will warrant the letter to your school of your doing. Don't make me to go to that extent."
2.20pm: "U may think that this is a simple blog for u to vent ur frustration. But have u thought of the consequences? Now its not as simple as u think. U went too far lynn...... I am going to call u at 3pm. Please answer. Thank u."
7.36pm: "Do know that what u r doing is a personal attack! Since u want it this way. Than even if I were to lose everything. I will play with you. Even if I have to start all over again, I will make sure yr school will know of it. Trust me!"

And the best of it all...

23.38pm: ...I didn't do anything to hurt u at all......I will never do anything to hurt people.

*Speechless* What else can I say?
PS: Members of TTA, Sorry, I didn't want to waste my time on this jerk. His last sms...I didn't know to laugh or to cry... Haiz...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

"Yes I just had a gf a few days ago, i don't need to answer to anyone right! It is my life. Even my friends r not totally aware."
"it is not that i'm a liar and dun want to take responsibility! what responsibility should i be taking in the first place?"
"Do u think by putting our pic there makes a point? it just show to people how a insensitive person u are."
"Please remove or delete the blog if u really wish to move on. "

These were excerpts of his smses when he finally replied.
What makes him decide to reply after avoiding me for 1 whole week? It's because he saw the pic of him n his gf here n wanted me to delete this blog.
You dun have a gf suddenly... girls dun agree to become ur gf overnight.... Unless.... opps...
Wonder how long was i kept in the dark. N he ever promised in his sms that he will not like 2 girls at the same time.
Responsibility guy, it doesn't mean the girl has to get pregnant. You are responsible for your own actions, for keeping your words to others. As men, you have responsibility to protect ur family, ur country, ur nation. Can we trust u to do all these?
Am i insensitive? Well, daniel martin wong, do give me a lesson on sensitivity.

I have come to visit this blog many times a day for the past 2 months. I like it. Changed the template back to my fav colour. But as a sign of respect to u n ur new gf, i've removed all my photos. So ... ur gf will not know what i look like.

I'm keeping this blog as a tombstone. A tombstone as remembrance of a love which had died.
I don't mean to offend or harm anyone.
I believe as time passes by, U will fade from my memory and this will become just a cheesy love novel.
I can move on even if i do not delete this blog.
I will like to let my bf read this blog and judge for himself what happened. I'm a forthright and unassuming girl. I find it hard to be cynical.
I won't keep secrets from the man i love, the one i will spend the rest of my life with.

Daniel Martin Wong has ceased to matter. And i don't think i need to do anything for him anymore.
Including deleting this blog just so he can go on cheating other girls.
Being a teacher does not mean we should let ourselves be bullied and not fight back.
Likewise, being an IT specialist with a german bank, being a managing director with a recruitment agency, does not mean you can treat people like trash after they've outlived their purpose.

Monday, April 28, 2008

And so, i found out the real reason for Daniel Martin Wong behaving this way.
He's found a new girlfriend.
Her name's Jovis Yap.
Or maybe patched up with his ex girlfriend.
The one whom he once said he loved alot but who dumped him when he left for Germany.
Well, how silly of me.
I actually thought it was my fault.
I actually thought i hurt him.
Well, all that has to be said has been said.
I don't want such a guy... who's fickle in love.
Who can jump from a gal to another... so quickly.
Who cooked up excuses that he's sooooo busy with work and family committments
he did not even have time for himself.
Who said i'll always be his princess.
Daniel Wong, you are supposed to be the managing director of Maxsphere Solution, the Maxsphere Group.
How to win the trust of ur clients if u are such a liar?
What is there to be afraid of?
Just own up n said u had a change of heart.
Or u were lonely in Germany and weren't at all serious bout me.
I would have understood.
Aiyoh... tsk tsk...
I wish I'm still angry with u...
but all i had for u PITY.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


It's funny how someone you thought you knew became someone totally new.
It's interesting how someone you thought you could trust became such a coward who dare not take ur calls... who treat your concern as verbal abuse.
It's so unbelievable that a MAN would resort to labelling you as POSSESSIVE just so to create a path for him to escape.
Why when feelings are no longer there, he dare not own up and tell you straight in the face.
Hiding under some excuses of he not wanting to tie you down, not wanting to be selfish, not preventing you from finding your happiness.
Ironic, Hypocrite... that's what he is.

I am so indignant at receiving his sms, after a sleepless night, wondering if he had met with an accident, did not hear from him from 4pm onwards, despite many smses...
I can't understand why someone can be so ruthless, so unfeeling, to continue making u worry, just so he need not bother with u.
He did not even have the courtesy to reply " i'm ok. "
i thought he had lost his phone, someone picked it up, but was not honest enough to return it.
i thought he might have been at some deserted road on his way home from camp.
i dialled n dialled, hoping that someone could ans, hoping i could aleart someone to the noise n hopefully find him.... it might save him in time....
if i hear a voice, i would have an answer if the phone's in someone else's hand, if the phone has been found somewhere.
He obviously heard my calls... he just didn't bothered if i was worried.
He attributed it to me trying to control him... trying to be possessive!
Oh man, pls find a better excuse!

His excuses are so unoriginal, i really wonder if he, Daniel Martin Wong has brains... haiz...
well, at least it woke me up!
How stupid of me to waste time n thought n tears over this man.
At least i saw through him.
Thank him for giving me a reason to despise Daniel Wong.
For destroying all the good memories.

Deleted all his smses... deleted his contact from my phone.
blocked n deleted him from my msn.
Just wanna put a proper closure to this FAIRYTALE!haha yucks! shudder to even think of it.
No more tears to be shed for this DANIEL guy.
i shall show him how i have absolutely zero desire to possess him.
Such people really think very very highly of themselves.

Well, it's amazing how i can be so calm when typing out this post.
when your heart has died... it's simple to forget everything.
A bad nightmare but gosh, what i've learnt!
i'm not a good judge of character, i shan't doubt all my smart n intuitive friends.
u all are sooooo right!!!
Gosh, how did u all know?!

The previous post was written with sad feelings, now no more.
thank you. this is the best present you can ever give to me.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Rest In Peace... Bear Bear... (2/2/08-20/4/08)

The End of the Fairy Tale...

79 days in total

The tears wouldn't stop flowing

Re-reading through his emails and smses...

The promises, the sweet-words...

Tears flowed in buckets

I thought there should be resentment

I thought there should be anger


Can't i see the irony of it all?

Am i so blinded by this thing called LOVE?!

No, there aren't...

Just sadness... sadness that;s so enormous,

Enveloping my whole world...

For... when he said or typed those words

I know he really meant it

At that time, in that place

His love just could not withstand

the test of time. nor space...

He just didn't love me enough

Well. what would u expect?

What can u offer?

Why should he love you?

U know u are not lovable

U know this at a very young age

U did such a great job of protecting yourself

From hurt, from tears

Until u decided to take a gamble

to believe in this thing called love

to believe in this man who would give u happiness

While he successfully detaches himself

U sank deeper and deeper...

U took a gamble,

Friends warned u against it

u are playing with fire

U lost... u got burnt...

Now your self-esteem is yet again in the doldrums,

But u are holding a party

for the kids

you must smile n look happy

although u are bleeding inside...

shed tears only when u are alone

do not mix the professional with the personal

he didn't... he has the makings of a businessman

rhe traits.... yah?

I know he's busy

i know he's having a tough time

I tried to help

but yet i'm so helpless

what can i do?

i can only listen to his grouses,

act as his alarm clock

remind him to take care of himself

He's tired... he had v little sleep everyday...

Neither did i...of cos he's too busy to be aware...

What have i been doing this whole month

how long have i been sleeping everyday?

4 hours? panda eyes as evidence...

my workstation is filled

with photos,

scraps of papers... his scrapbook in progress

i'm running out of time, muz complete by june hols

minus the 2 weeks i'm away from s'pore

muz give him after his 8 weeks of RT training

a reward if he pass

a reassurance if he didn't make it

i'm not going to love him any lesser....

The birthday present... for his mother(Cecilia Shin)...

only left with 2 weeks,.. no 1 week

cos next week will be busy with rehearsals...

can only do it in secret...

cos my mum dun even get such a gift

Hours wasted? no, cos it brought me much joy

and more to see the smile on his face, i thought

alas! it was not meant to be

well, at least... no more deadlines to keep.


a guy would never let u go

if he truly loves u

no wonder he seemed relieved

when i cooked up story of mr rgs

he could not wait to shake his hands off me

he's just being kind...

he just doesn't have the heart to tell me straight in the face.

He didn't ask me to wait for him...

i would have waited...

i didn't need his company everyday

just a good morning n goodnite...

just to share all good n bad news with him...

until he's more settled...

until we know each other better

then shall we decide...

just let me be here for him...

i won't want to let him walk this difficult path alone

i;ll be here to support him

thanks but no thanks

he didn't need you.

Be thankful girl, be thankful

u have so much in ur life to be thankful about

at least he did not toy with ur feelings

and u have the memories

u lost someone who didn't love u

he lost someone who loves him

who's worse off?

his ex gfs are all very pretty

i can't compare, i'm the ugliest of them all

but i thought...

well it's pointless to think too much...

Bear Bear, rest in peace

the hero who brought me much joy n laughter

who once pledged to protect a princess when he returns 

be her bodyguard

he's big n strong.

nobody dares to bully her again....


i will miss you bear bear...

help pray for me can?

that i will heal... faster faster...

sorry for disturbing u so much

for all the trouble i gave u

Thank you bear bear... thank you...

The alarm rang... 6am... time to go to school

students, please understand

ur teacher had a sleepless n traumatising night...

i may break down in front of you...

pls use ur innocence n make me laugh

please please... bring some sun into my life...

i need it so desperately...