Sunday, March 16, 2008

The email which started it all


One day, in early Febuary, the Princess was checking her emails and happened to receive a message from a certain danielmartin77. (msn: He asked the princess how was school so far and volunteered that his sister is a teacher too. Feeling bored, the Princess decided to check out his profile from the certain website. The above photo was what greeted her, along with his claims that he's a super rich guy with aeroplanes on his rooftop and bodyguards following him around. He is a guy without any vices, does not smoke, drink nor gamble... and he doesn't even tell lies!

The Princess laughed at this incredulous self-introduction but her curiosity was aroused. She is interested in getting to know this guy. N thus she clicked on the reply button.

Boy, was she glad she made the decision... this marks the start of a magical journey for her... and life will never be the same for this demure princess ever again....

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