Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I have hope again!

CIMG1569Ha talking about moodswings n pms... i wonder who can top me in this field? Yesterday i was all moody and so afraid of meeting bearbear... so stressed up and teary.... but then today... bearbear called and said he can wait for me! yipee!!!

Well if only others know how much this means to me. It's not that i'm a vain pot, wanting to act chio n pretty... but then it's my FIRST DATE after all and I don't want to regret this for the rest of my life... u noe, i've always believe, if only i can be ready for everything that's coming my way in life... be ready for all the examinations, all the job interviews, all the tasks thrown to me... however, life doesn't work that way for me. i'm so used to last minute work. thanks to my lucky stars... i more often than not, managed to scrape through everything.

We make the best of things that come our way, opportunities do not come twice, so why make them wait for me to be ready? by the time i am ready, opportunity would have slipped away quietly...

Again, this princess consoles herself, well, good things are worth waiting for. I will definitely love bearbear more if bearbear's willing to wait for me. For once, i did not snack today!!! if bearbear can quit smoking, i can quit snacking!


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